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When we were kids, we were fearless. Dared to jump off the roof? Psssht, I’m Superman. Race you to the house? You’re on!
So what happened? When did fear become our number one motivator? When did change become scarier than the B-Grade horror flick we SWEAR we didn’t go see, Mom! Somewhere along the way just about everyone gets lost. I hear it from clients all the time: I was so scared to start here. I was scared of change.
Let’s dig into that for a minute. Ask yourself: Why is change so scary? What is it you are truly afraid of? Are you afraid that it won’t work, of failure? Or are you afraid that it will? Maybe something you’ve tried before left a bad taste in your mouth. That group fitness class was so catty you never went back. Everyone around you had thin privilege and you felt out of place. Maybe that “bro” in the weight room had a bit too much unsolicited advice (seriously this is my pet peeve)!
Maybe your afraid it will work this time. Suddenly this big huge goal that you’ve built up in your mind is achieved, and you have no idea where to go from here. Success can be scary. It’s new and unfamiliar. It doesn’t have to be.
Think deeply for a minute about why you want to change. Think about your kids, nieces, nephews, & grandkids. Think about your parents. There are a million reasons that could be motivating you. Pick one that has nothing to do with looks. Got it? Focus on that and let it drive you, even when you don’t feel motivated.
Don’t let fear drive you to inaction. It’s time to get to work 🤟🏽💪🏽👊🏽